A flea is a small insect with the ability to jump onto the body of our pets, whether they are dogs or cats, fleas can be there. They are found in warm and humid environments, and it is essential that if you have a pet you pay special attention to it.
Any fleas you see on your cat need to be removed, as they can cause serious problems after a certain point.
In addition to the veterinarian, there are certain home remedies to fight against these annoying insects, and that is why I invite you to continue reading this article since we are going to teach you some tools to successfully combat fleas on your cat.
Let us begin!
How to detect fleas in cats?
The general symptom of the presence of a flea is to see how the cat in this case scratches excessively. But, it can also be more pronounced grooming than normal.
Fleas are tiny insects (1 to 2 mm) and have a dark brown color, they are characterized by being very fast and extremely difficult to find.
Another clear symptom that your cat has fleas is the presence of small black dots of flea excrement, and it is something very noticeable, especially if the fur is light.
It is important that you pay special attention in summer, especially in those last months, since they are the high season for fleas par excellence, so always check your pet.
Home remedies to get rid of fleas
There are quite valid home remedies to eliminate fleas on your cat, and they are specific products or quite simple mixtures that we are going to show you below:
Previous care before applying any home remedy
In the first place, it is necessary to bathe the cat and eliminate in this process all the fleas that are possible, in addition, the sensitivity of its skin must be taken into account, which is greater than that of dogs, so special care must be taken. What products are used?
At the time of bathing, all products must be special for cats; If you wish, you can use citronella or lavender oil and mix the shampoo with the oils in equal amounts, and then do the bath. Of course, this mixture is valid for cats older than one year.
During the bath, it will be normal to see how the fleas fall, but of course, they will not be all. In any case, you should dry the cat well and comb its fur with a fairly fine-toothed comb, so that some fleas continue to fall.
Home preparations that can be applied
A very effective home remedy is the mixture of water flavored with lemon or orange; If you wish, you can add the skin of these fruits to a pot of water and let it boil for a few seconds.
Afterward, let it rest for an hour, when straining, put the mixture in a spray bottle, so that you spray your cat’s hair.
Another effective preparation is brewer’s yeast since its composition rich in vitamin B1 is capable of keeping fleas away in this case.
In that sense, add a small spoonful of the yeast to its moistened food, mix it and feed it to the cat; We recommend that you consult your veterinarian beforehand to determine if the cat is not allergic.
Tea tree oil is a very interesting home remedy, which you can add to your shampoo to have that preparation at the time of baths, massaging the fur vigorously and thus eliminating fleas.
It is necessary that it is not done in excess, once every four weeks is fine since it can be toxic for the cat; Veterinarians recommend mixing it with plenty of water if it will be used topically.
Frequently consulting the veterinarian is necessary before applying these practices, but in any case, they are natural components that can be effective over chemical products.
How and when to deworm cats?
Cat deworming should be done periodically, and you can do it with the peace of mind that they are safe and easy to administer methods.
Deworming is an activity that does not cause discomfort, and it is advisable to do it from the feline’s puppy stage since it is in these months that they are less protected against external agents and parasites that can significantly affect their development.
Deworming a cat can be for two reasons: to attack any parasite that is present, as a treatment, and to use specific products prescribed by the veterinarian.
The second reason is instead, by way of prevention, and in this case, the veterinarian administers some product at the time of the routine visit or you do it sporadically.
There are many products to deworm, whether in the form of pills, sprays, droppers and more, in any case, it will be the veterinarian who prescribes the product to use for the cat, according to its condition and needs that it presents.
Likewise, if your cat does not have parasites, it is best to deworm them from time to time to prevent them from getting sick or worsening their quality of life, all as a preventive measure.